July 1, 2016
Father, there was another terrorist attack at an airport. California is burning and West Virginia is flooding. Our national security is on high alert for the holiday weekend and everyone is concerned that the United States could be the next place of a major attack. Help us God!
Another story of a teacher sexually assaulting students, of a child care provider abusing a toddler and a husband or boyfriend terrorizing his family. All this on top of our own concerns, worries and woes. Help us Lord!
We need your help so that we do not loss heart. We need your help so that we don’t fall victim to the people who are trying to get us to live in fear. We need your help so that we don’t become paralyzed with “what if”.
Help us to continue to live our lives full of hope, joy and peace. Help us to continue to live our lives knowing that better is coming. Help us live our lives knowing that you will always be there for us, no matter what, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.
Father, we need you like never before! In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Psalm 10:17 – 18 Romans 12:12
II Thessalonians 3:16 Deuteronomy 31:6
John 16:33 Isaiah 41:10
I Peter 5:7 Isaiah 54:17
Romans 12:19 – 21
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