Prayer for Today

May 3, 2016Psalm 18

Father God, you alone are God!  There is no other god besides you. You alone created the heavens and the earth. You alone called forth light and separated light from darkness. You parted the water of the sky from the water of the earth. No one could have done these mighty acts except you!

You Lord God brought everything into being that have or had life. You are the only one who calls forth both destruction and deliverance and they must respond to your call. There is not another God on earth, in the heavens or under the earth. You alone are God!

We, your children, have allowed the world system to teach us to set up things in the earthly realm as our idols. Things made of clay, steel, plastic and wood. Things such as houses, home fixtures, clothes, cars, jobs, credit and money have become idols.

People such as our children, our spouses, our parents, our church leaders and our supervisors have become idols to some of us. We are more concerned about getting their approval than we are concerned about obeying your word.

Some of us have set up intangible things as idols; earthly power, authority and fame. We can’t see or touch these things, but we think we know them when we see them.

Forgive us! It was not our intent to place another God before you. Deliver us from the evil of this world and cleanse our hearts. In Jesus name. Amen.

Scripture references:

Genesis 1

Deuteronomy 3:24

Psalm 71:16

Psalm 18

Isaiah 40:12 – 26



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