January 25, 2016
Father God, speaking “greater is coming” but not acting like I believe that it’s true is a waste of time.
I know acting like I believe it means that I change my words and my actions. Father God, help me to change my action so, by the power that You have invested in me, I can bring about the greater that I keep saying is coming.
My actions must show that I’ve moved from doubt and fear to belief and faith. My actions should show that I’ve left past failure in the past and am moving forward to greater triumphant.
Father, if I really believe that greater is coming, I must set aside time to spend with You one-on-one because it is through You; Your word and Your spirit, that my faith will be built up to believe that greater is here, in me and even more greater works will I do.
Father, help me to set aside unnecessary stuff so I can get in Your face, which is the face of greater. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Scripture references:
Proverbs 29:25
Mark 4:40
Romans 15:13
II Thessalonians 1:11
James 2:14 – 16