May 13, 2019
Some people think of love as only an emotion. The Bible teaches us that love is so much more. The Bible tells us by word and example that love is a verb, shown to others by our actions.
In Mark 12:29 – 31, Jesus tells us the most important command is to love the Lord and the second is to “‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Since loving the Lord your God and loving your neighbor equal to the love you have for yourself, love is an act of will. Love is a choice that leads to action.
Our love of God and others determines how we respond to God and how we interact with other people.
John 3:16 states, “For God, so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God’s love for His creation drove Him to act on our behalf. His love for us was so deep that He gave the best gift He had, His only Son, Jesus Christ.
What does your love for God and love for other people drive you to do for them? What do your actions towards God and your actions towards other people say about your love for them? Are you giving God and other people your best or your leftovers?
Prayer: Lord God, help me to show You and other people around me my love by what I do, what I say and how I react to them. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
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