God’s Promises
October 31, 2015
There is no greater, nor seemingly more difficult promise God could have made to us than the promise of a risen Savior. Really? Someone is going to come back from the dead and save us from our sins? Seems highly suspect right?!
Yet, there it is, right there in Matthew 28:6, this unlikely, seemingly impossible promise is fulfilled; “’He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.”’
This one statement is the reason all of God’s promises have their “yes” and our “amen” in Jesus (II Corinthians 1:20). God fulfilled the most impossible, unlikely and improbably promise He had ever made through the resurrection of Jesus; our Savior forever.
As surely as God is faithful to His word, that’s how sure we should be about God fulfilling His promises to us. His promises of protection, provision, an abundant life and life everlasting all find their fulfillment in Jesus.
When we believe that God is able to do what He said and fulfill His promises to us, we simply say, “amen.”
(c) Copy written material