Bible reading challenge:
Read all the scriptures referenced at the bottom of each pray.
If you already read the reference scriptures at the bottom of the prayers, then read the scriptures again AND, go to the references scriptures in your bible and read those as well. Don’t have references scriptures in your Bible? YOU NEED A NEW BIBLE…one with reference scriptures by each verse or one with footnotes.
September 10, 2015
Prayer for Today
Father, I pray for a spirit of diligence. Too often I start out doing something and then I allow it to fall to the wayside. No matter what it is that I start; a new eating program, an exercise program, spending more time with You, I always starts well but I don’t continue in my pursuit.
I get discouraged, frustrated and sometime even bored so I stop doing what I need to do and go back to doing the very things I want to stop doing. Father, forgive me and help me!
Father I know Your word says that the diligent become rich, not just rich in money but rich in our knowledge of You, our character and our ability to withstand obstacles when they come against me while I doing Your will.
I know Your word says that I will get what I want if I don’t stop doing what is right and I continue to press forward. I also know that a sluggard, someone who is too lazy to continue to do what they’re supposed to do, will want things but won’t get anything. I am not a sluggard and will not live as a sluggard. I will get what I want because I will trust and believe Your word Lord and I will be diligent.
I thank You Lord because the Holy Spirit in me will press me towards diligence! In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
Scripture references:
Proverb 10:4
Proverb 13:4
Philippians 3:14
Galatians 6:9
(c) Copy written material