Word for Today

October 30, 2018

Showing God’s Love

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

I rarely wear a cross for a pendant on a necklace. I have several; I just don’t wear them. I’ve seen people wearing crosses while they curse out other people. I’ve seen athletics, music artist and movie stars wear them while they’re on trial for murder, drug possession and other crimes. I’ve seen people on music videos wear them while they’re crawling in and out of bed with one person or another.

No, I rarely wear cross pendants because the unfathomable love God showed the world when he sent his son to the cross has been cheapened to the point that it means very little when you see someone wear it. It’s just another piece of jewelry.

God showed his love for the world by action, not symbols. What action are you taking to show God’s love to a hurting, hate-filled world? Are you just wear a pendant or, are you giving yourself to help the hurt, the marginalized and the people in need? That’s the action they need to see from those of us who call ourselves Christians.

Lord God, help me show your true and authentic love for the people of the world. Help me not to cheapen your love for us by giving catchphrases and cute sayings when people come to me for help or guidance. Help me give them your love.

Just for today:
I will purpose not to cheapen God’s love for the world through my actions or my words.

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