Prayer for Today

June 17, 2020

Father God, I cannot fathom the depth of Your love for me. You love me so much; You wait to hear my call and You answer me. Forgive me when I act like Hosea’s wife Gomer, and leave you to seek after the things of the world, that does not love me.

Like Gomer, Lord, there are times I trade Your love for me for the lust of the eye. I trade my security in You for the trinkets the world system offers me. I give up Your love for me and gamble on something or someone that has no real love or attachment to me.

Forgive me for selling out my relationship with You in order to get the things I think I want. I will ignore the lifestyle of others in order to curry favor from them. Forgive me for making decisions and not inquiring of You first.

Father, I’ve been scared, beat up, and devasted by the world. Heal me and restore me to wholeness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Hosea 2

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