Prayer for Today

June 26, 2020

Father God, we see protest and peaceful demonstrations worldwide, asking for the United States to make changes in how the nation’s law enforcement and criminal system treats African-Americans.

We see people calling for reforms, but before we can reform, our national leaders must change their mindset about people of color. People call for reconciliation between the races, but there has never been an overarching peace, friendship, or harmony between the races, which must come first before there can be reconciliation. God, help us heal.

Some people are intent on pulling down our history, in the form of taking down statues. Help them understand that pulling down statues doesn’t mean anything if we are unwilling to pull down the hate or resentment in our hearts. Lord, help us heal.

Lord, some people have good intentions, who want all people treated equally. People who genuinely want justice for all, and believe that our nation should be unified, and one nation under You, the Father of all humankind. Father, strengthen these people so that we can see Your will done here on earth. 

Lord God, help us, heal us, change us, and make our nation more like You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:

Acts 2:38

Ephesians 4:13

II Thessalonians 2:9

I John 4:19

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