Prayer for Today

April 17, 2018

Father with everything that is going on in the world, I am concerned that your children have lost our way. We have picked sides, we use terms like conservative and liberal to label each other as good or bad and we decide whether or not we like each other based on something other than the content of our character.

We call each other names that children use on playgrounds and we lump everyone into a category other than a child of God. It feels like we are in a constant battle with each other and no one stops to listen, work together or love our neighbor as ourselves.

Help us Oh Lord to find our way back to you. Beyond this side of the aisle or the other. Beyond Black or White. Beyond legal or illegal citizenship. Beyond one denomination or another. Help us to move beyond all the earthly stuff and begin to seek you so we can live as you have purposed us to live; loving on another as you have loved us.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:
Matthew 19:19
John 13:34 – 35
Romans 12:10
II Corinthians 13:11

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