Prayer for Today

January 24, 2019

Lord, in the midst of all that’s going on in the world; government shutdowns affecting millions of people’s lives, the president under attack, Congress being in disarray and non-friendly countries like China and Russia breathing down the back of our country, you are still God.

In Britain, with Brexit falling apart and their Parliament at each other throats you, Lord God, are still exalted above the earth. As we watch these two world powers crumbling under the weight of their humanity, we look to you to be our guiding light and our beacon of hope.

We will keep our eyes fixed on you. We will incline our ears to your words and your instructions. We will keep our hearts in a position of being obedient to you. Help us, as we hear all the bad news that floods us on a daily basis Lord, to keep our eyes, ears, and hearts tuned to you. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Scripture references:
Proverbs 21:1
Isaiah 9:6 – 7
John 8:12
John 9:5
II Peter 1:19

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